I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see!


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eating disorder recovery coaching

Eating disorder recovery coaching for women 40+.
Because you deserve to feel at peace with food.

constant food thoughts

Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed by your

You barely have enough willpower to leave Halloween candy in the pantry, let alone go to your work holiday party. You’re already anxious and overwhelmed and you haven’t even left the house.

You’re tired of telling yourself not to eat that cupcake.
You’re tired of counting calories.
And if another person says they never have to think about food or comment on what you’re eating, you might scream.

You’re an evolved woman, so why are you still struggling with what’s on your plate? 

"I don't think I've ever been this happy and normal with food before." 
-Natalie C.

eating with ease

You know you’re tired of wasting so many hours thinking about food, but you still secretly don’t think you can stop. You’re ready to ditch the scale, calorie counting, and late night binging. But before you can feel at peace with food, you need to learn to sit in the discomfort of your deep feelings. Let’s navigate the recovery journey one emotion at a time. 


I believe every woman struggling with disordered eating deserves to feel a sense of ease. So if the thought of eating off the menu without thinking twice or forgetting about the cookies in the pantry makes you want to dance around your kitchen, I’m so glad you’re here.

Because at Eating Disorder Freedom, I’m not treating this like a weekend getaway where you feel a little refreshed, I’m treating recovery like a journey to your most beautiful authentic life, where you no longer need to use food or behaviors to soothe.
No white knuckling it between appointments.
No guessing your way through recovery.

It’s time to feel genuinely supported and see the possibilities of a life of joy and authenticity.

I'm here to help you heal your relationship with food.

Hi. I'm Cheryl!

Natalie C.

I never thought I’d be here, and I’m honestly shocked that I am.  I was so tired of always hearing about other people getting better while I stayed the same, but now I feel like I’m on the other side. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy and sound in my life before. I don’t think I’ve ever been this normal and okay with food before. My mood completely shifted from a state of numbness to a rainbow of feelings.

I feel excited about my future and life.

Dana j.

From my very first call, I sensed something was going to be different. She shared her energy, encouragement, compassion, insight, and humor. She was committed to helping me live my life to the fullest. When I was discouraged, she believed in me even when I wasn't so sure. I began to believe I was worthwhile and deserving of health and happiness. I started making choices from a place of optimism instead of fear. I found my voice. 

Cheryl brought hope and joy back!

Sarah m.

After years of feeling like I was on a roller coaster ride, I feel like I am coming out of this. I know it in my heart. This coaching was exactly what I needed at a time when I wasn't sure if anything or anyone was going to help me. I'm so grateful to Cheryl for listening, hearing, and encouraging me.

I am finally recovering from the pain of the ED!

3. Begin Your Journey

2. Choose Your Start Date

I'll send you a link to book your call and a short questionnaire. We'll have a casual chat to discuss your coaching needs and any questions you have about the process.

1. Book a Discovery Call


If we seem like a perfect fit, you'll secure your spot on my calendar. I'll email you all the details, including a comprehensive questionnaire and some homework to kickstart your journey.

Our initial 75-min. call allows me to get a deeper understanding of you and your vision for recovery. Following this we'll have weekly 50 min calls, weekly tailored homework, as well as access to 24/7 text support.

for all



Feeling stuck on how to begin your recovery journey? Gain clarity on your vision for recovery, so you can start living and stop obsessing.

Top 3 Keys To Achieving Lasting Recovery

Free guide

I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, Cheryl


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